NOBEEP recognizes the capabilities of the existing business support ecosystem across Northern Ontario. The following community and economic development organizations have established working relationship with NOBEEP and are partnered to co-deliver services to NOBEEP clients
Northern Ontario Organizations

Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario (FedNor) is the Government of Canada’s economic development organization for Northern Ontario. Through its programs and services, and through its financial support of projects that lead to job creation and economic growth, FedNor works with businesses and community partners to build a stronger Northern Ontario.

Superior East Community Futures Development Corporation
The Superior East Community Futures Development Corporation is a non-profit organization governed by a local Board of Directors. The CFDC is funded by FedNor/Industry Canada and was established in September 1989. Superior East CFDC serves the communities of Dubreuilville, Chapleau, Wawa, White River, and First Nations located in the Superior East Region. The region is located along the North shore of Lake Superior and extends as far as Chapleau to the North and White River to the West. The Superior East CFDC offers small business loans and counselling to the region’s residents. The organization is also involved in regional economic development. Working with representatives of the four communities, the organization strives to improve the social and economic environment of the region.

Community Development Corporation Of Sault Ste. Marie
& Area
The Community Development Corporation of Sault Ste. Marie & Area (CDC) is a community–based, non–profit organization governed by a local volunteer board of directors. The CDC is a FedNor funded Community Futures Development Corporation, which was established in Sault Ste. Marie in 1986. The organization is dedicated to helping small and medium–sized businesses access services and capital, as well as enhancing the community’s economic and employment base through community–based planning and economic development initiatives.The CDC is a member of the Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations (OACFDC) and serves Sault Ste. Marie and the areas north to Montreal River, east to Laird Township and west to Prince Township.

Regional Business Centre
The Regional Business Centre is a one-stop source for information and guidance on starting, expanding and operating a business. Entrepreneurship is the cornerstone of our local economy. With the support of its Collaboration Network, the Regional Business Centre is hosted within the Economic Development Division of the City of Greater Sudbury. The Centre has supported thousands of entrepreneurs since its inception in 1995. It is one of 54 small business enterprise centres across Ontario and is a part of the Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs.

Business Management Systems
Business Management Systems’ mission is to provide quality accounting and consulting services throughout Ontario. As a QuickBooks Professional Advisor, they provide services to small businesses in Ontario. They are an authorized provider for NUANS searches if you are in the process of incorporating. They also offer consulting services for business start-ups, setting up bookkeeping and accounting services, writing business plans, incorporating a business and other related areas.

The Business Enterprise Centre
The Business Enterprise Centre provides training and programs to help entrepreneurs, SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) and startups launch, expand and grow. Their business consulting services foster an entrepreneurial culture and support new jobs and employment. Their service area extends along the Hwy 11 Corridor and includes communities from Hornepayne to Iroquois Falls as well as Timmins and the James Bay Coast.
Their free bilingual services include one-on-one business consultations, on-site consultations, business registrations and licensing, business plan development and review, workshops, seminars, and training programs (Starter Company Plus and Summer Company), market research, referrals and links to professionals, funding agencies and financial organizations.

Thunder Bay Chamber Of Commerce
Stronger business together: it’s the creed that drives everything they do. The Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary, Member-driven organization of individuals and businesses working together to advance the commercial, financial, and civic interests of their community. Whether they’re pooling resources to offer Member learning opportunities, raising voices together on a policy issue or facilitating connections between members of their business community, they know that businesses that work together are stronger.

Thunder Bay Community Economic Development Commission
The Thunder Bay Community Economic Development Commission is the city’s lead economic development agency and champion for local growth. They use their local knowledge and expertise to promote Thunder Bay as the best small city in Canada to live, work, do business and visit.
They are led by an independent board and are driven by the needs of their community. Their business development team and sector specialists respond quickly to new opportunities to attract visitors, new talent, employment, business development and investment to Thunder Bay.
They are responsible for entrepreneurial support, business development, business retention and expansion, exporting advice, collection and assessment of key business data, community marketing, tourism promotion and investment attraction.

Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre
The goal of the Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre (NOIC) is to help regional, innovative companies start, grow, and succeed. They’re here to support you as you try something new or scale up an existing opportunity. Whether you need connections, funding, resources, business expertise, training, or something completely different, they exist, to assist you you get past whatever it is that’s keeping your business from getting to where you want it to be.

NECO Community Futures Development Corporation
NECO is a Community Futures Development Corporation, funded by FedNor/Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and is managed by a volunteer board of directors. NECO has been helping small businesses in the East Nipissing and East Parry Sound region since 1987 and has invested more than $22 million in small business loans and community projects over this period.

Organizations from across Canada

BIPOC Foundation
The accelerator is based in Southern Alberta and will use digital tools to provide programming across Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. This initiative will provide early-stage entrepreneurs with foundational business and growth training. It will also connect Black business owners and entrepreneurs with investors.

73 Elm Street,
Greater Sudbury, Ontario
[email protected]